Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Finishing project

Today in class we finish presenting our projects. I finished my project today but I think I could of did better but I am glad I am done with it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Presentation day

Today in class we were presenting our project for class. I started on mine today but I didn’t finish so I will have to finish tomorrow.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Project presentations

Today in class we started our project but some people didn’t go today and we have to go today.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


today in class our teacher gave us a lesson on how to do our project right and not do them wrong. He also let us our phones to start in our project. So that is what we did today.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Event and moment

Today in class we had took notes on event and moment. Got notes on weather it’s an event or moment we had to tell stories about an event in our life but we had to tell it in the third person. We also got a project we have to do for a grade.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Multiple choices

today in class we learned how to do multiple choice the best way possible and it helped me too because I didn’t know how to do it for real.

Friday, December 6, 2019


today we learned about how we need to do write our essays so that is what we learned today.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


today in class we had to write a paragraph about a our fears. We had a lot of heart felt experience in class and it help me out. Also we read poems about fears.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mrs wells

Today in class our teacher wasn’t here but we did learn something from mrs wells who is our history teacher. She taught us that there are different perspectives in different things like story or history itself. So that is what we did today.

Monday, December 2, 2019

First day back

Today in class we looked at a bunch of statues and we had to see what a group had to make happen before they make the statue. So that is what we did today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Teacher and student talk

Today in class we read a article so we can get the feelings of how to write it but today some of our classmates left for a tournament in the gym and I like how our teacher talked to us about stuff in life. So that is what we today in class.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

how to write a good paragraph

Today in class we made paragraphs and we had let others read it. I liked how our teach did it today because our teach gave us advice on how to improve our writing. I believe that helped a lot of people. So that is what we did today in class.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rhetorical analysis

Today in class we learned how to spot a rhetorical analysis in a passage. He also told us when our rhetorical analysis test will be and it’s on Wednesday. So that is all we did today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today in class we read an essay and then looked to see what type of rhetorical devices. Also tomorrow some of our classmates will be gone but he said we still going to learn. So that is what we did today.


Didn’t come to school. I wasn’t feeling to well

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rhetorical analysis

today in class we learned how make the first paragraph in our essays for the ACT. We also learn what word we can use in the essays. So that is all we did today.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tone and mood

Today in class we learned tone and mood of an rhetorical analysis so we can know it when we do the act or the ap exam. I think sense he is helping us with it that I will do better on it. So that is what we did today in class. Hope you have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Rhetorical analysis

today we learned more rhetorical analysis but this time we learned what all the words mean and how find them in a passage. I think today was a productive day. Also he gave us our project and tomorrow he is going to give us our words. So that’s all we did today.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today in class we did our project that we was working on for a while and I think I did good on my project. I had a lot of good objects for the project. I liked the others project because it was funny and cool. So that is what we did today.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Martin Luther king junior

Today in class we read an amazing speech from Martin Luther king jr it was called I have a Dream. It was a heart felt speech which almost made me cry. It gave a lot of rhetorical analysis in the speech. So that is what we did today.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today we learned how to make an rhetorical analysis during the act. Also he showed us way to write one. So this is what we did today.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today in class we took a test on what we learned yesterday about that prom. It was kind of hard but not that much I really think I did good. So that is what we did today


Life is like a board game.
Rolling the dice when we take a chance on
What to do.

Should I become a teacher? A lawyer? A doctor?
Sometimes moving two spaces forward and then
Being sent three spaces back.
You may feel bad but you have to know
Wonderful and good things are followed by hard times
And sadness.
In the game you are hoping to win but hoping not to lose.
Hoping to be the best.
Until we reach the finish line and everything is done.


Yesterday we had read a poem about how to build one. It was fascinating to learn about it and I liked the lesson. We also we into found out the project to do.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Yesterday in class some of the students wasn’t there because they had A and B honor roll so they had to leave but the rest of us learn and Steven Kong’s who is a great writer I love his book and he also gave us a project.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Yesterday in class

Yesterday in class we started doing our projects and so people didn’t finish so we had to finish today. He gave us new words and another project to do . So that ya what we did yesterday.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Getting ready for next semester

Today our teacher wasn’t here but we went to our history teacher and she gave us a test to see where we was going to be when we take her next semester. So that is what we did today.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Today’s quiz

today in class we took our rhetorical devices quiz and I think it was not that hard but I was a little hard. So that is what we did today.

Didn’t come to school

Wasn’t there

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Class question

Today, some of our classmates we at a party during school. So the ones that didn’t go there our class had a little question circle when the teacher ask us questions and we give our opinions about it. When we did that it. It made me see how others think and feel. So that is what we did today.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Project today

today in class, we had a fun time doing our project and it was s lot of people doing funny things. Also we learned more words. So that is what we did today.


Today in class we learned if people she be smoking at work but I really think that, people shouldn’t smoke while they are at work. We also read a article about how the world is about to fix it. So that is what we did yesterday.

Friday, October 18, 2019

learning a new word

Today, in class we learned another word today. I think sense we are learning about theses word we are going to be ready for the test he give us. So that is what we did today.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Today, our teacher was out and class and we didn’t have no work to do so that is what we did today in class.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Today’s work

Today in class we kept doing our word we did yesterday. He also gave us treats for the ones who sold their book to him. So this is what we did today in class

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First day of second quarter

Today, in class we learned our vocabulary words all fifteen of them. We also learned different words that we use in essay. We only learned two but I know there are more to come so that is what we learned in class.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The art of listening

today, in class we had learned how to listen more better than we are doing. We wrote notes and got information about it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today, in class we went over some of the questions on the EQT but he also gave us a field trip form. So that is what we did today

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Today’s test

Today, in class we did our EQT today in forth block. A graded them today, and a lot of people didn’t pass the test so this is what we did today in class.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Chapter 16 of wild

today, in class we read chapter 16 of wild. We found out a lot of stuff about her mom and how she raised them when they was little but she forgave her mother for what happened. So that is what we did today

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Short class

Today, we had a short day in class today all we did was do a quick write for a grade a had put us in teams. The teams is to see who can get the most points by Friday and whoever win get a free homework pass. So that is what we did today in class.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 12

today, other group did there project they had to do chapter 12 I believe they did really good on there presentation today. They gave us questions and a good summary. So that is all we did today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today, in class we had projects do on every chapter. Today was my group so we did our project which was on chapter 11. We also had to give the class question and a summary about the chapter. So that is all we did today.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Talked about the story

Today, in class we started on our critical thinking questions that we had to do for home work. We also read them in class, and our classmates had to answer them. We also read chapter two of the book we are reading in class call Wild by Cheryl Strayed. The chapter talked about what she did when her mother died, and she was married to a man named Paul but it last because she cheated on him. Do that is what we did at school today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Who is our hero

Today, in class we talked about what it mean to be an American. We also talked about who our hero was in the world. For me I told the teacher it was Martin Luther king jr. we also talked about why they are our hero. So that is all we did today in class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Information about the day

Today, in class we read the prologue of the book we was reading. We also talked about what that prologue mean. We also watch a videos about the book but just a little if it. So that is what we did today in class

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reading the book

Today, while our teacher was out, we read the book he told us to read.  we read over the chapter one too.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today, in class we got our books for the new story we are reading on Monday. We also touched up on claim again so we can get it in our head. We also learned more about arguments, and our teacher gave a example of different ways to us it. We also learned own about what own mean in our own word and we learned how to answer the question correct on a test. So that is all we did today in class.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to do multiple choices question

Today, in class we read a story about a man who didn’t want to tell his daughter that he killed someone while he was in the war. He told what happened that night, and he didn’t really want to shoot the man but it was automatic for him to act so he threw a grenade at him, and he blew him up, but when he did that the man felt sad for what he did, and it still haunts him to this day. We also learned how to do multiple choices better so we can know the right answer to pick. So that is all we did today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Different ways to argument

Today, in class we started reading about how arguments are different from fighting. The reason they are different is because when you argue you try to persuade the audience to your side of the story but fighting is not. We also learned how to make people get on your side easier so that is all we learned to in class.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mother’s tongue

Today, in class we read a other story called mothers tongue. I would like to tell you that it was a good story to read, it was about a women who talked about how here mother spoke. She said that he Mother’s English wasn’t that good, and she had to speak for her sometimes. We also had to make a chart stating what claims we saw in the story. We also wrote a paragraph telling if friends us the reason we change language or family. So that is all we did today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Today, in class Mr. Rease showed us our first blog, and showed us our mistakes. He also talked to us about comma’s. He gave us a lesson on how to put comma in the right place, and order. He also showed us different way to put comma’a in sentence. He help me understand comma’s more now I know how to ya then better. So this is what I did today in class.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Learning about claim and evidence

Today, in class we learned about how to find claim and evidence in a a story. The story we read was I met a girl name Maria. It was written by a Puerto Rican women .The story start off when she tell you how she was raised in her family, she was taught to be more of a lady around people. Then she start saying how when she was in school. people was thinking, and saying these stereotypes about her races, and think it was true to her. She lived with that her whole life. She also made a book where she explains her life with in the book. We also had to right down a claim that we saw in every paragraph we read today. I believe doing that help me get to know claim, and evidence a little better. So that is what we did today in class.