Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 12

today, other group did there project they had to do chapter 12 I believe they did really good on there presentation today. They gave us questions and a good summary. So that is all we did today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today, in class we had projects do on every chapter. Today was my group so we did our project which was on chapter 11. We also had to give the class question and a summary about the chapter. So that is all we did today.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Talked about the story

Today, in class we started on our critical thinking questions that we had to do for home work. We also read them in class, and our classmates had to answer them. We also read chapter two of the book we are reading in class call Wild by Cheryl Strayed. The chapter talked about what she did when her mother died, and she was married to a man named Paul but it last because she cheated on him. Do that is what we did at school today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Who is our hero

Today, in class we talked about what it mean to be an American. We also talked about who our hero was in the world. For me I told the teacher it was Martin Luther king jr. we also talked about why they are our hero. So that is all we did today in class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Information about the day

Today, in class we read the prologue of the book we was reading. We also talked about what that prologue mean. We also watch a videos about the book but just a little if it. So that is what we did today in class

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reading the book

Today, while our teacher was out, we read the book he told us to read.  we read over the chapter one too.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today, in class we got our books for the new story we are reading on Monday. We also touched up on claim again so we can get it in our head. We also learned more about arguments, and our teacher gave a example of different ways to us it. We also learned own about what own mean in our own word and we learned how to answer the question correct on a test. So that is all we did today in class.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to do multiple choices question

Today, in class we read a story about a man who didn’t want to tell his daughter that he killed someone while he was in the war. He told what happened that night, and he didn’t really want to shoot the man but it was automatic for him to act so he threw a grenade at him, and he blew him up, but when he did that the man felt sad for what he did, and it still haunts him to this day. We also learned how to do multiple choices better so we can know the right answer to pick. So that is all we did today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Different ways to argument

Today, in class we started reading about how arguments are different from fighting. The reason they are different is because when you argue you try to persuade the audience to your side of the story but fighting is not. We also learned how to make people get on your side easier so that is all we learned to in class.