Friday, February 21, 2020

Today’s class

Today in class we did our test for the week and the test was kinda hard a little. I really need to start working on it.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Finishing presentations

Today we finished the presentations today but we had a short class today so we couldn’t do nothing. Tomorrow we are going to be talking a test and I believe I can do good on it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Today in class we almost finished our presentations today but we still have a few tomorrow to do. This project really helped us we learn about different cultures and how they live. My favorite was Korean culture. So that is what we did today.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Today in class we start on our presentations from our projects, but we could do all today because it was a short day because of our ACT block. So that is what we did today.

Friday, February 14, 2020


Today in class we wrote an essay on nationality and individuality. The prompt was hard I had to think about a lot of thing before I started writing. I believe I did good on the prompt. So that is all we did today.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Claim and evidence

Today in class we had went back to claim and evidence because our teacher wanted to see if we were getting better or are we still confused on the subject. We did good but we did have to problem with evidence. We also read our paragraph we wrote yesterday and mine was good but I can be better. So that is what we did today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Today in class we had to get in group according to our country. Then we had to use our phone to look up custom that our country do on the daily basis. For example my country is Nigeria and one of the customs they do is that when a men shake each other’s hand they have to shake with the right and put the left had on there shoulder. I thought that was weird. We also had to write a paragraph to about should we adapt to a countries custom once we go there. So that is what we did today.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Today was a short day because of our Act period. So today in class we talked about different culture and we looked at a videos of how people see us in different cultures. But must if the ways they think of us was wrong and some were right. We also did question on whether is better for you to be born in a culture or should you pick a culture. So that is what we did today.

Monday, February 10, 2020


Today we interesting day because we had did a retake on a test because everyone had failed it and I believe I did good. Our teacher had also gave us a project so we can get to know different cultures. So it a 10 slide PowerPoint and we had to pick a culture I got Nigeria I believe it easy I started today. So that sh what we did today in class.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Today class was a funny day. Today we had a prompt which was a very funny thing to do. So first our teacher showed us a video of different comedians which was very funny by the way one was Chris rock who was very funny. So we also read the prompt and come up with claims for that prompt. So that is what we did today.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What does the N-word mean to you

Today class was  an interesting experience we learned about what the word N-word really mean. We watch videos on people using the word and how they used it. Like Chris rock he used the word to when a lower class people. Also we watched a another video on people voting on which word is worse between white peoples  bad words or black people is bad words and people voted that black people bad words are worse. So that is what we did today.

Not in class

I wasn’t in class because of our new act class this happened yesterday.